Friday 22 April 2011

The Only True Hero

Gotta hand it to YouTube- pretty much whatever you search for, someone's thought of it before you!

I love this song from Skillet and I was thinking about the lyrics in relation to Good Friday and what Jesus did for us. The song might seem like an unusual combination with the footage from Passion of the Christ but I think the intense strings and distorted guitars with the raw vocals mirror the mood of the video really well. And the lyrics express my individual need and humanity's collective need of a hero who won't let us down. How amazed I am to reflect that there was only one Man who ever walked the talk one hundred percent. Our beautiful Yeshua. How much we owe him; we will never be able to comprehend how much, let alone begin to repay him.

"I need a hero to save my life
 A hero will save me just in time"


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