The Court of Appeal has upheld a High Court judge's ruling that unborn children do not have a right to life.
It also dismissed comments made by the judge about many abortions being granted "on request".
Right to Life sued the Abortion Supervisory Committee for allegedly failing to review whether certifying consultants were lawfully granting women abortions... more
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Unborn have no legal right to life -Court of Appeal ruling
The Court of Appeal has just released its findings on the Right to Life case. Right to Life has been pursuing actions against the Abortion Supervisory Committee for several years, and in 2008, as a result of their action, Justice Miller found "reason to doubt the lawfulness of many abortions". However the Court of Appeal has quashed his findings. They also found that the unborn child had no legal right to life. Here is the article on Stuff:
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Teen abortion in the news again
This is cross-posted from The Culture Vulture.

The Sunday Star Times has today published yet another story about informed consent, abortion, a young girl, and a lack of parental consent…
She went home intending to keep the baby, but sadly she miscarried the baby a month later – which is one of the possible outcomes of taking the cervix dilation/labour inducing drug that she took.
She now has her baby’s name, along with a set of tiny footprints, tattooed on her back as a memorial to the baby she lost.
In summation, the three serious issues we have here are:
1. a FIFTEEN year old girl whisked off for a serious surgical procedure without parental consent
2. a lack of proper and accurate information about abortion supplied to the girl (so no proper informed consent was present)
3. young girl and her parents left to deal with the trauma and pain of this event
This tragic and concerning incident could have been totally avoided if parental consent was a legal requirement in NZ, and it provides a very clear (and almost certainly very common) example of how a lack of parental consent is actually NOT in the best interests of the young women it is supposedly intended to protect.
It also demonstrates the fact that many young (and older) women are simply not supplied with the full facts about abortion in this country, and therefore its hard to truly claim that informed consent is actually present in a lot of NZ abortions.
Yep folks, the momentum for law changes around abortion and informed consent and parental consent is definitely growing, and the louder and harder that the pro-choice lobby fights such changes the more it exposes that they really aren’t interested in protecting women, but rather protecting abortion, even abortion without informed consent (i.e. a lack of real ‘choice’ involved).
The Sunday Star Times has today published yet another story about informed consent, abortion, a young girl, and a lack of parental consent…
Two years ago Natalie’s daughter discovered she was pregnant after taking a store-brought pregnancy test. A scan by a doctor confirmed the test, revealing she was more than three months’ pregnant.What is really important to note about this incident is that as soon as the father spoke to the girl and assured her of his support, the young girl changed her mind and decided to keep the baby. Tragically though, she had already been given the first stage of the abortion, the cervix dilation and labour inducing drug (even thought she hadn’t been fully informed about how the procedure would actually work).
Natalie, who was overseas at the time, said her daughter didn’t feel she could confide in anyone and decided to have a termination.
Four weeks later, and after a number of consultations, her doctor arranged for her to see a counsellor at Hastings Hospital. Her daughter told the Star-Times she was given a piece of paper at the hospital and asked to read and sign it.
She said no one went through it with her or explained what it meant.
“I quickly skimmed through it… to get it over and done with,” she said.
During the session the counsellor contacted Wellington Hospital and arranged for her to head down to the hospital that day, as Hastings Hospital cannot perform second-trimester abortions.
“At no time were the pros and cons of having a termination or keeping the baby discussed with her. They never sat down and went over anything like that,” Natalie said.
“She just said, she got asked, `Do you not think you can be a mother?’ and she said no.” Natalie acknowledged more information may not have changed her daughter’s mind as “at the time she didn’t want the baby”.
Her daughter was given petrol and accommodation vouchers, then drove to Napier to pack her bags. Her boyfriend’s sister drove her to Wellington.
Natalie wondered why her daughter wasn’t at home with the nanny, so rang her estranged husband. When he discovered where his daughter was, he drove to Wellington.
“He was devastated,” she said.
She went home intending to keep the baby, but sadly she miscarried the baby a month later – which is one of the possible outcomes of taking the cervix dilation/labour inducing drug that she took.
She now has her baby’s name, along with a set of tiny footprints, tattooed on her back as a memorial to the baby she lost.
In summation, the three serious issues we have here are:
1. a FIFTEEN year old girl whisked off for a serious surgical procedure without parental consent
2. a lack of proper and accurate information about abortion supplied to the girl (so no proper informed consent was present)
3. young girl and her parents left to deal with the trauma and pain of this event
This tragic and concerning incident could have been totally avoided if parental consent was a legal requirement in NZ, and it provides a very clear (and almost certainly very common) example of how a lack of parental consent is actually NOT in the best interests of the young women it is supposedly intended to protect.
It also demonstrates the fact that many young (and older) women are simply not supplied with the full facts about abortion in this country, and therefore its hard to truly claim that informed consent is actually present in a lot of NZ abortions.
Yep folks, the momentum for law changes around abortion and informed consent and parental consent is definitely growing, and the louder and harder that the pro-choice lobby fights such changes the more it exposes that they really aren’t interested in protecting women, but rather protecting abortion, even abortion without informed consent (i.e. a lack of real ‘choice’ involved).
Mother speaks out on her daughter's secret abortion
I wrote this up over a week ago and forgot to publish it so it's old news now! Oh well, here it is anyway :)
A Kiwi mum has spoken up about her grief over her daughter's secret abortion. Helen (not her real name) found out that her daughter had had an abortion, which was arranged by the school counsellor. Helen was not consulted. And it's all perfectly legal. first covered the story:
The New Zealand Herald also did an article on the resulting debate, with comments from Mothers for Choice, ALRANZ, and Family First's Bob McCoskrie, who made an excellent point:
She continues:
And the idea that Bob McCoskrie (or any other pro-lifer) would take a pregnant girl into their home is ridiculous. I mean, everyone knows that pro-lifers don't really care about anyone who's already born.
There were also two articles with opposing views from counsellors. Chris Hooker from the Association of Counsellors says:
In closing: doesn't it seem a bit ironic that a person must be 16 years old to consent to sex, but girls of any age are able to get an abortion without parental notification or consent? Does it not occur to those people who advocate a girl's "right to privacy" that many girls under 16 who get abortions may well be victims of statutory rape? Is it helping an underage rape victim to get her an abortion (thereby eliminating evidence of the crime) without at least notifying her parents? It's not rocket science that sexual predators use abortion to cover up their crimes. In any case, the fact that a parent has no say in their child's welfare in such a traumatic situation is a travesty. How ironic that the law that enshrines this "right" of underage girls to have an abortion without parental consent should be called the Care of Children Act.
*Just out of interest- why are we still saying "it"? The baby/unborn entity/fetus/whatever is never an "it". From the moment of conception the "it" is a he or a she. Using "it" is just one more way that the dehumanisation of the unborn has entered our vocabulary. If in doubt, just be politically correct and say "she".
A Kiwi mum has spoken up about her grief over her daughter's secret abortion. Helen (not her real name) found out that her daughter had had an abortion, which was arranged by the school counsellor. Helen was not consulted. And it's all perfectly legal. first covered the story:
A mother is angry her 16-year-old daughter had a secret abortion arranged by a school counsellor.Read the rest here.
Helen, not her real name, found out about the termination four days after it had happened. "I was horrified. Horrified that she'd had to go through that on her own, and horrified her friends and counsellors had felt that she shouldn't talk to us," she said.
She had suspected something was wrong, but her daughter insisted her tears were over everyday teenage dramas.
But Helen confronted her daughter's friends, who said the counsellor had taken the girl for a scan and to doctors. "I didn't know that they could do that."
Helen said teachers could discuss how a student was doing in school or phone parents when their child misbehaved, but would then keep life-changing situations such as abortions secret.
The New Zealand Herald also did an article on the resulting debate, with comments from Mothers for Choice, ALRANZ, and Family First's Bob McCoskrie, who made an excellent point:
The law currently means that while a parent has to sign a letter for their daughter to go on a school trip to the zoo or to play in the netball team, they are totally excluded from any knowledge or granting of permission for that same child to be put on the pill, have a vaccine, or have a surgical abortion....moreHowever, in a Herald on Sunday article, columnist Deborah Coddington had something to say about that:
Of course the pro-life groups and Bob McCoskrie's Family First lobby group are outraged.Apart from the fact that her logic is absolutely ridiculous, it's nice that she condescended to call it a "baby".
McCoskrie says if parents must give consent for students to go on school trips, then they should have to do the same for abortions.
It's a fair argument but he's missing the point. The kids have already done something the parents would go ballistic over - had unprotected sex.
Isn't it a bit late to start fussing about consent forms when there's an unwanted baby on the way?
She continues:
What will a 12, 14 or 16-year-old do if mum won't sign the consent form and boots her out of home? Live with McCoskrie?So basically, some parents may disown their pregnant daughters, therefore no parents, caring or otherwise, should be legally entitled to know if their daughter wants an abortion.
And the idea that Bob McCoskrie (or any other pro-lifer) would take a pregnant girl into their home is ridiculous. I mean, everyone knows that pro-lifers don't really care about anyone who's already born.
And what life will that unwanted baby have?Deborah Coddington should be ashamed of herself- this is such basic pro-abortion fallacious rubbish. Basically, "the child might be abused/battered/neglected/violently killed after it's born, so it's much better to violently kill it* before it's born".
Pro-lifers have no right to ruin a young girl's life and a foetus is just that. It can't survive on its own so has no claim over the mother.Wow, go tell every pregnant woman out there that their "foetus" is just a life-ruiner. Oh, I forgot- if it's wanted, it's a baby, but if it's unwanted, it's a foetus. And the whole "it can't survive on its own" argument is so blatantly fallacious but so widely touted that I'll have to do another blog post on it.
There were also two articles with opposing views from counsellors. Chris Hooker from the Association of Counsellors says:
We would rather work with parents. It's more comfortable and productive when we can, but I come back to that basic thing – if it's not confidential, kids won't get the help they need... moreAnd Steve Taylor, director of private counselling practice 24-7 Ltd, says:
The fact is that no client of a Counsellor has a right to blanket confidentiality, and extreme care must be taken when the client is a young person, particularly a young person in crisis... more
In closing: doesn't it seem a bit ironic that a person must be 16 years old to consent to sex, but girls of any age are able to get an abortion without parental notification or consent? Does it not occur to those people who advocate a girl's "right to privacy" that many girls under 16 who get abortions may well be victims of statutory rape? Is it helping an underage rape victim to get her an abortion (thereby eliminating evidence of the crime) without at least notifying her parents? It's not rocket science that sexual predators use abortion to cover up their crimes. In any case, the fact that a parent has no say in their child's welfare in such a traumatic situation is a travesty. How ironic that the law that enshrines this "right" of underage girls to have an abortion without parental consent should be called the Care of Children Act.
*Just out of interest- why are we still saying "it"? The baby/unborn entity/fetus/whatever is never an "it". From the moment of conception the "it" is a he or a she. Using "it" is just one more way that the dehumanisation of the unborn has entered our vocabulary. If in doubt, just be politically correct and say "she".
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