It's time for a rant.
What's really been getting me lately is the pro-abortion logic that "it's better not to give birth if the pregnancy is unwanted".
First, just to clarify, it's a child. It's a baby, with a unique DNA, a heartbeat, fingerprints, etc etc. Calling it a pregnancy makes it sound like an appendage of the woman's body (or worse, some kind of abnormal condition, or disease). Yes, it's inside her, but it's not her. It's a unique person.
And "choosing not to give birth" is such a cowardly euphemism. The woman is going to give birth. She just has to choose whether to give birth to a fully grown, live child, or to have the partially grown infant vacuumed out and flushed down the toilet. So the choice is not whether to give birth or not, it's whether to give birth to a live infant or a dead one.
So now that that's clarified, what the above sentence really means is "it's better to kill the child if it's unwanted". A little less palatable, but more to the point.
"Unwanted". Ah, what a word. It reminds me a bit of Nazi Germany, when it became convenient to label certain sectors of society "undesirables". These people (or sub-people, if you like), were a drag on society. They cost money. They were inconvenient. They were unplanned nuisances, blots on the face of an ever-more-perfect society. So they were disposed of, quietly, discreetly, in special processing centres designed for that very purpose. Sound familiar? And no, they weren't killed. Gosh, what a nasty word- that makes it sound like murder! See, these individuals were, well, not as useful as you and I. They didn't contribute anything to society. They shouldn't really have been here in the first place. They were scientifically proven to be inferior. So it's really a red herring to say that they were killed. It's better to use words like 'removed', 'cleansed', 'eliminated' or 'terminated'. That makes it sound so much more palatable.
When will people wake up? When will we realise what is happening here? From the moment we label certain parts of society as less valuable than others, from the moment we begin to prune the tree of society, it's only a matter of time until the genocide begins. Are you thinking that I sound like an alarmist nutcase? Look at history. Women. Slaves. Conquered nations. People with a certain colour of skin. Jews. Gypsies. Gays. Children. Unborn babies. They were all deemed less valuable, just a little bit less human, and they died.
I could go on, but I won't. Except for this- I will not sit down and let this happen. I'm so tired of all the lies and bullshitting going on, while babies are dying. They are not unwanted. I want them, and so do many others.
Say what you like, but never say they are unwanted.
For love, life and truth,
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